How To

How To Remove Pet Stains From Hardwood Floors

In this guide we’ll show you how to remove pet stains from your hardwood floors after your beloved furball had a small accident on it. 


Hardwood floors look beautiful and they can last for many years with proper care. But if you have pets running around the house, it’s almost inevitable that sooner or later pet stains will appear. These pet stains can cause hard to remove discoloration on your beautiful hardwood floors. Luckily for you, it’s possible to get rid of those nasty pet stains without causing any damage to your wood floor. To do so, you’ll only need a handful of tools and products. 

Check out our step-by-step guide on how to remove pet stains from hardwood floors.

Products and Tools Needed:

Step 1: Vacuum the Area

Use a vacuum cleaner to thoroughly vacuum the area around the pet stains on your hardwood floor. Make sure to get into all crevices to remove as much loose dirt as possible before you start cleaning.  

Step 2: Use Hydrogen Peroxide

Dampen a clean cloth or rag with hydrogen peroxide. Gently rub over the stained area to dissolve any superficial residue left behind by the stain. Let it dry and check the result. If the stain is still visible, rubbing it won’t help as the urine will have penetrated deeper into the wood. 

Put a cloth over the stain and pour some hydrogen peroxide over it so it is wet. Let it sit on the stain for at least a couple of hours or even a full day, making sure that the cloth remains wet so it can soak in the wood. 

Remove the cloth and let it dry out completely. You can add a fan to speed up the process but don’t apply direct heat to your hardwood floors as this may result in warping or cracking of the wood. 

If the stain has started to fade after drying, repeat the process as many times as needed. This can easily take multiple days to get it all out, but you will have a stainless floor in the end!

Step 3: Assess the Result

Now there are 3 possible outcomes. The first one is that the stain has disappeared completely and there is no visible discoloration of the wood floor. Congratulations, job done!

The second possibility is that even after multiple attempts of the previous process, the stain is still visible. In this case it is time to bring out the big guns, so go to step 4.

The third possible outcome is that the hydrogen peroxide removed the pet stain, but also made the floor lighter than the surrounding area. In this case you”ll have to stain the wood again to make it blend in with the surrounding floor. Before you jump to step 5, you want to lightly sand the surface to prep the area for optimal staining as wood stain will highlight any scratches that might be present. Vacuum the dust after sanding and wipe clean with mineral spirits. There’s no need to bring out the big guns so you can skip step 4.

Step 4: Sand the Stain (Optional)

If the stain did not come out with hydrogen peroxide, it is time to bring out the sanders. Start by sanding the area lightly and work your way up to more aggressive grits if necessary. Sand the area until the stain is gone but don’t damage any of the surrounding wood. Do a final pass with a fine grit to get a smooth surface. Vacuum the dust after sanding and wipe clean with mineral spirits. 

Step 5: Stain the Area

To restore the color of the floor, you want to stain your hardwood floor with a matching wood stain product or wood stain pen. You can also opt for a new finish if desired. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions on whatever product you decide to use. It’s advisable to test the color of the product on a small spot first before applying it. Be sure to let the hardwood floor dry completely before walking on it.

With these simple steps, you should now have successfully removed pet stains from your hardwood flooring. Taking these steps when necessary will help keep your hardwood floor looking its best. It will save you time and money in the long run too! 

Always remember that prevention is key! If you can quickly clean up pet stains when those accidents occur, those stains will not penetrate the wood. This will make it much easier to keep your hardwood floor in top condition.

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