How To Get Nail Polish Off Hardwood Floors

1 year ago
Editorial Staff

Accidentally spilling nail polish on your beloved hardwood floor can be a nightmare. Nail polish staining on hardwood floors might seem like permanent damage, but that’s not always the case. In this guide, we will go through each step of…

How To Remove Glue From hardwood Floors

1 year ago

When you remove carpet or tiles from your hardwood floor, there will always remain glue residue on it. Or, you might have accidentally spilled some glue on your floors. Glue can be quite challenging to remove and could damage the…

How To Disinfect Hardwood Floors

1 year ago

Hardwood floors are a beautiful addition to any home, but when you have pets, kids, or a lot of visitors, cleaning alone is not enough to keep germs away. Even with routine sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping, germs can build up…

How To Get Paint Off Hardwood Floors

1 year ago

A lick of paint can revive your home and gives your walls and furniture a brand-new look. But what if you accidentally get a few drops of paint on your beautiful hardwood floors? Don't panic! Removing paint from hardwood floors…

How To Remove Wax From Hardwood Floors

1 year ago

Looking to restore your beautiful and valuable hardwood floors that have been covered in layers of wax? Wax buildup can be frustrating, making floors look dull, slippery and difficult to clean. No worries! We've got you covered with this simple…

How To Wax Hardwood Floors

1 year ago

Hardwood floors are a classic and elegant addition to almost any home. Unfortunately, they can lose their shine and may start to look dull over time. That's where waxing comes in. Waxing your hardwood floors is a cost-effective way to…

How To Polish Hardwood Floors And Make Them Shine

1 year ago

Hardwood floors often attract attention for their elegant yet classic look. Unfortunately, like anything else, their beauty wears away after a certain time. It is, however, straightforward to polish your hardwood floors and make your home look beautiful again!

How To Repair A Buckled Hardwood Floor

1 year ago

Hardwood floors are popular in many homes due to their durability and timeless charm. However, sometimes they can experience buckling, which is commonly caused by inadequate moisture control or exposure to water. This issue can be a nightmare for homeowners,…

Hardwood VS Engineered Wood Flooring

1 year ago

Solid hardwood and engineered wood, two of the most popular flooring options out there, look very similar but are quite different. Each of them has their own benefits and drawbacks. Let’s take a look at what sets these two types…

How To Fill Gaps In Wood Flooring

1 year ago

If you have hardwood floors in your home, you’ve probably already noticed that gaps can appear over time. These gaps can be unsightly and potentially damaging if you just leave it that way. Fortunately, filling in these gaps is relatively…